Threads West Reader Comments

Over the next week or so we will be sharing some reader comments on the books of the series–certain of those will be full reviews, others just snippets from both men and women, but all of them insightful. We love  (and are proud of) the great national reviews, blogger reviews and thoughts from pros in the industry–but best of all are the comments from readers–enjoy!
By Tami, Lousisana–THREADS WEST–Book One

In this time of political uncertainty, and an ever growing national crisis

In this time of political uncertainty, and an ever growing national identity crisis, The Threads West: An American Saga speaks to the common bond amongst all Americans. It is a timely reminder of our heritage, and what I see as one man’s contribution to turning our great nation around, to instill in the citizenry the desire to reclaim the republic for the people, and re-kindle the Spirit in each of us. Kudos to you Mr. Rosenthal for a heroic effort to set aright the heinous crimes against a nation and its constitution.

Hat’s off to the author for his bold independent nature, his refreshingly honest reply and acknowledgment of the raw primal drive within us, and his daringly descriptive prose to the same! I say down with leveling one’s art to the common denominator of a publishing house. Never mind styling that perhaps affronts the King’s English form time to time.. art is art, and I dare say, as a student of the visual arts, one does not adjust one’s painting or sculpture to suit the styling of the gallery.

This author is bold, brash, and unabashedly in your face with those deep, dark urges most of us are culturally trained to pretend we do not have,,, so yes, reader beware… if you fear the tawdry underpinnings of your own sensuality, perhaps this read is too much for you! Threads West is not the tidy, well behaved mid-1800’s tale… it is about human nature, real emotional and psychological machinations amidst an incredible journey into a wilderness. It could be said, that unlike other historic westerns, this is the unedited version of America’s history.

Threads West gives us a peek not only into the experiences of those who were brave enough to venture into the frontier, but it allows us a glimpse inside our selves. Could we, would we dare be so bold to set forth onto the unknown, muster the courage and fight for what we want, stand by principle. Indeed, Mr. Rosenthal throws down the gauntlet of challenge to every American…. We built this country once, let’s do it again!

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