“London is like a book I read…”

emma-smith-my-story-original“London is like a book I read long, long ago. Not the place where I used to live.”

“I know, Rebecca, I know. My anticipation of America was the hustle, bustle and throngs of New York, working in my Aunt Stella’s shop, saving money to open my own. I really had no idea…”

“…that this,” Rebecca swept her arm grandly, “could exist.”

Sarah turned to her, surprised at how effortlessly Rebecca had finished her thoughts. She put her arm around the brunette’s shoulders. Rebecca did the same and they leaned their heads together.

“It changes you somehow,” whispered Rebecca.

Sarah nodded, feeling Rebecca’s hair brush her cheek as she moved her head. “Perhaps more than change, it alters you,” She paused for a moment. “Have you decided, Rebecca?”

Rebecca sighed. “There is so much to consider.” After several seconds of silence, she added, “It seems I have come a great distance, yet not arrived.”

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