Uncompahgre-Excerpt from Maps of Fate

The power of the land, the passions of romance, and the spirit of the American West.  Universal energies that will speak to those who listen.  Please enjoy this next excerpt from Book Two, of the six novel Threads West, An American Saga series, Maps of Fate, coming soon!

From a Chapter of Maps of Fate—Book Two of Threads West, An American Saga
From Chapter “Uncompahgre”

Reuben reined in Lahn. Behind him, he could hear the plaintive but muted bawl of cattle still several miles distant. Occasionally, a faint hoot and holler of the drivers echoed eerily between the smooth bark of the aspens. Far below him, a silver serpentine thread of a river coursed its way through a vibrantly green fertile valley framed on all sides by the rugged, jagged peaks of the San Juans and the Uncompahgre. To the south, three stately peaks clearly red in color intruded upon a cloudless deep blue. The panorama was framed by the gentle edge of the aspen grove, its last line of trees almost imperceptibly stirred by a touch of wind, which made their leaves and outer branches wave as if to say, “We’ve been waiting for you.”

One Response to “Uncompahgre-Excerpt from Maps of Fate”

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  1. audrey says:

    when is the 3rd book comin?

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