That’s right! It’s incredible, it’s true, and it has happened to you, or should I say to me? I have been looking over this site for the past week or two, thoughtfully rubbing the stubble on my chin, thinking to myself “something’s missing” Sometimes the simple and obvious is so pronounced one misses it looking […] Read more »
Of Fence Building and College
For the last four years my son, Rhett, and various buddies of his from the track and football teams have tackled some big ranch projects for my outfits. They have built tons of miles of jack leg and wire fence, sometimes in steep, rugged, rocky holes that not even a self-respecting mule would attempt to […] Read more »
Soon to be Empty
My daughter is blessed (some would say cursed) with the same aggressive, don’t back down; make your own independent way as I. Needless to say, until the time she departed the house on her own life journey, she and I had our moments. My son, too, is a strong forceful personality imbued with the classic […] Read more »
Summer Musings
Summer. The soft cool breezes of brilliant hued sunsets. A warming promise of golden dawn stealing down canyons filled with the scent of sage. My daughter’s laughter and the smell of horse sweat and leather as we ride the trails. High ridge tops, emerald green valleys below and white-capped peaks reaching to a brilliant blue […] Read more »