What Does She Have? Book 3! You Will Too!

20140228_143141YIPPY KI YEAH–WHAT DOES SHE HAVE?…Yep–an Uncompahgre book!!! Nope, it’s NOT the release just days from now, but a few lucky folks have by dot com mistake gotten some out of the first shipments to arrive at Amazon–HOWEVER, their supply–and everywhere else–except us :-)– is still VERY limited until the official release next week. That’s right, we have the first of the books in too–it is amazing, but true and it is happening to you :-)–but we are going to be fair and ship all on the same day to the hundreds of you great readers who have been waiting patiently here on the Threads West Express–and BTW, the final retail price of Uncompahgre is $16.95 as you will note on the bar code on the back book cover, so we are tickled your deal here is even better than we projected!

Yep–other than the VERY few who have just received books from Amazon in a fluke, (the dot coms seem to be good at those) our anxious paws will be sending books to your eager hands before anyone else! And ironically, those who purchased the book anywhere prior to release EXCEPT as you have–on this web site–will be out in the cold for the huge branding day release rodeo of GREAT prizes, specials, ETC! SURPRISES, too! Posts each and every day starting tomorrow. We thank you again for reading the Threads West, An American Saga series and for your patience–The 480 sizzling pages of Uncompahgre, Book Three, is hurtling down the tracks at ya!

As an aside, we know the price on the dot coms is going up, too, perhaps by the time you get this, or shortly thereafter. As a thank you to all of you great readers who have waited, (and waited, and waited) while the book Gods wrought their unforeseen mischief, the publishers have allocated 1500 books to Threads West Express sales. These are more than half spoken for, so if you have buddies who want a deal, or gifts to give, send them here! Special pricing til the supply is gone, which at the current rate will be soon. Enjoy–the treat is on us!

We thank you again for reading the Threads West, An American Saga series and for your patience–The 480 sizzling pages of Uncompahgre, Book Three, is hurtling down the tracks at ya!


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