Howdy Threads West Readers!

We know from emails, Amazon messages, and social media posts/messages that many of you received notice in the past few days from the dot coms, including Amazon, to the effect your preorder of Books 4, 5, and 6 have been cancelled and the books are “no longer available form the source”. Don’t fret–just part of the process of removing the previous distributor, which was “the source”.
The book industry is in many ways a circle. In really simplified terms, the author writes the book, the publishers handle covers, editing with author, and host of other concerns, then print the book. However to get the book to market (Amazon, stores, you name it) ie., to the reader who buys it retail, the great majority of publishers use distributors. Some distributors are general distributors–they supply BN, Amazon, etc. Other distributors are specialty (truck stops, airports, military). A good distributor is far more efficient than the typical publisher, with much wider reach. So, for Amazon to sell the book, Amazon needs to have the books available. That availability is through the publisher’s designated distributor who lists all the titles they have available for BN, Amazon, Hastings, Indie stores, etc., to buy to sell to you. The listing is in what is usually called a catalogue. One distributor can not put a book in their catalogue before the distributor before them is out of the picture. So, where we are at is the old distributor is now out of the picture, the books are being listed in the new distributor’s catalogue, and when that is complete Amazon, BN, and all the other outlets then again have an official source for the books and the sales pages are reestablished for readers to use to buy or pre-order, etc.

If you have been following our blogs on, and postings on face book ( ) the publishers and I have been alerting our readers across the country and the world that 1) the publishers were VERY dissatisfied with the distribution problems that were encountered on Book 3, Uncompahgre and prior; 2) That there were other grave concerns about the distributor that the publishers had been using–which we will reveal to everyone’s dismay (guaranteeeeed) when the timing is appropriate; and, 3) The new distributors–among the largest and best in the industry are in the process of taking over all the old accounts  and will be in the saddle by November 4–earlier in some cases, such as Amazon. In fact, the first three books have already been switched over to their control on that dot com. Moccasin Tracks, Footsteps and Blood at Glorietta Pass will be back up shortly, and according to what I have been told, the preorders might transfer also. But to get from here to there, those pages have gone dark for a few days while the behind the scenes machinations/technical requirements are completed. Remember–the cowboy has long said not to preorder books on the dot coms! Either wait for the release date, which typically has lower prices, and qualifies you for contests and other fun stuff, or you can go to the publishers website (www.threadswestseries) and reserve any or all of the books there (and enjoy full participation in the release date rodeo)…great prices, ships in many cases prior to any other source, and no cost for the reservation!

Want to thank all of you for being Threads West series fans–you bet the Threads West tale–this story of us– is proceeding 🙂 …with guns, history and passions ablaze! Chuckling–and believe me–we may be more anxious than you to get these horses out of the corral!  We thank you all for the communications and comments–keep em coming!!  And Keep your ears to the track!

8 Responses to “Howdy Threads West Readers!”

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  1. John Bolsinger says:

    Thanks for the update.

  2. C.Bird says:

    I purchased Threads West in audio book format from the author himself at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Sept. of this yea and asked him specifically if his book held graphic sex or bad language…he told me no that the book would not be
    in offense in that area….well… barely got in to the first chapter of the audio book and there it is…graphic sex… I
    send the audio book back or put it in the garbage. ! ! ! I am disappointed.

    • Reid says:

      We are very sorry you are disappointed. You will find the “sex” minimal, though the audio (unabridged version of the book) does have the scene with Johannes and Bente up front–for what it is worth, it is a very important element of the book, and of Johannes character development–however if it offends you, that does not matter. Please do send it back, and we will gladly refund your money. Please look for an email from us containing our return shipping address and we will get a check out to you right away! Thank you for trying the series.

  3. Sylvia Allen says:

    Dear Mr. Rosenthal:
    I’ve read the first three in the Threads West series, and I just can’t find the words to thank you! I love reading about American history, and all of the books really gave such great insight into the people, the struggles, and the tenacity of those individuals who took the journeys they did. Also a BIG fool for a love story…well, I’m sure happy on that account too. The books are addictive, and I’ve been checking and checking for the next book; thinking #4 was supposed to be out in September.
    I finally could not stand it anymore and looked for your website to find out what on earth is happening. Thank you for your thorough explanation and I, for one among many, CANNOT WAIT to keep reading. My Kindle is burning my hands waiting to get back into the series. Keep up the great work Mr. Rosenthal, and I’m your loyal fan to the end.


    Sylvia Allen

    • Reid says:


      Got back from chasing elk on the upper ranches to get some work done around the home place–and ye, some book 5 writing too :-). Must say that your note made my morning. Absolutely thrilled you are a threads west fan, and delight in all the many facts of this huge epic saga of us. You do know how to make an a cowboy author smile! And guaranteed, the twists and turns that are coming at you and all the other great readers of the series will be surprising–perhaps shocking in some cases–as the new generations begin to emerge, the civil war looms, the American spirit is shaped, and good struggles with evil. The characters you have become friends with are about to be propelled by fate, and buffeted by the turbulent historical and personal events they can not imagine.

      Thanks again for the thoughts!


  4. Bernadine Cook says:

    I love these books. Read the first three in a week! The only creatures that were fed during that time were the ones with feathers or fur:). Now I’m rereading in preparation for November 4! And I love all of it! The descriptions of vistas and personalities and especially the passion! Keep writing. I’m all eyes and ears:)

  5. Gayle Squyres says:

    Thanks for the update. my husband keeps asking when the next book will be out. We are both hooked on these books.
    I met you in Grand Junction, CO at Barnes and Noble. It was Christmas time 2013 and I purchased an autographed copy for my husband. He was trilled with the book and that it was signed. Thank you for this series we can’t wait until Moccasin Tracks comes out.

  6. Louann Pawlak says:

    I am enjoying Book 2 of the series and plan on continuing the trek across America BUT why or why have you not included even 1 map of the adventure??!! Admittedly I a map-lover and use them for references within the story, especially to compare to modern locations, especially to get a perspective on distances & geographic features. I’ve been using my ‘Rand McNally’ but would be so much more convenient within the pages of the books.
    Louann Pawlak

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