We got it done! You, and the folks to whom you’re giving Maps of Fate, will more than like this! Complete instructions, certificate purchase form, and pictures of these one-of-a-kind personalized Holiday gift cards, are available at http://mapsoffate.com/content/giftcert2011/or at http://threadswestanamericansagaseries.com/content/giftcert2011/.
Here’s how the Holiday Gift Certificates work:
- If you are one of the thousands of folks who have already reserved copies of Maps of Fate, thank you! Your reservations will be honored on the day of
release, and books continue to be set aside for that special day (which we’re all impatiently awaiting!)
- I will personally endorse and sign each and every card to each of your gift recipients! The certificates will be mailed to your address for you to wrap, package, deliver in person, or place under the tree!
- Folks who receive your Maps of Fate certificate may use it for the purchase of the book beginning the day of its release and at any time thereafter.
- The certificates do not expire.
- All or most shipping is included (BN controls book pricing and shipping costs which can vary day to day after release).
- The cards may be used for the book at BarnesandNoble.com or any Barnes and Noble store!
- They work for Maps of Fate on NOOK too!
The hours of reading pleasure Maps of Fate will afford your gift recipients will remind them of your thoughtfulness after the Holiday madness has subsided. That’s a great thing!
To purchase you Holiday Gift Certificates:
- Click on one of the link above. at http://mapsoffate.com/content/giftcert2011/ or http://threadswestanamericansagaseries.com/content/giftcert2011/
- Register with our website.
- At the bottom of the page, fill in the “Requested Card Inscription “ box with who your card will be addressed to and what you would like the author to write on the card (It will accept 200 characters)
- Click BUY NOW to continue to purchase your gift certificates. You can pay with PayPal or a credit card.
- If you are buying more than one gift card or your card inscription is more than 200 characters send an email to rockinsrpublishing@gmail.com with your name and address and what you would like to have on your card.
The Threads West team worked hard to bring you this very unique, fully personalized Holiday gift opportunity. We know your gift recipients will enjoy Book Two of the #1 Best Selling Threads West: An American Saga series, winner of eight national awards. We bet that you, too, will have a smile on your face when you hand them their present. Remember—there are only 1,000 Certificates available—first come, first serve! Don’t miss out! Enjoy! And, THANK YOU!