The Characters Speak

Many have inquired as to the characters in the books. What is their origin? Are they purely imagination, or do they portray real people? Is there some formal protocol used by authors in the creation of the personalities, mannerisms, thinking, conflicts, and goals? I have discussed this with a number of writers far more accomplished than I. My conclusion is that the process appears to be distinctly unique to each author.

On a personal level, my characters begin as an element of the story that I wish to tell. Each is a necessary piece in the progression of the plot. As the story evolves, so too do the personalities around which the tale evolves. More of their core is revealed as the story line progresses. Complexities and conflict between the players arise giving both the cast and the story texture.

The Three-Quels and the Trilogy have many characters. A wealth of experience in dealing with all types of people of every conceivable personality is integrated into my writings. Each person is based in part on someone real that I have known and observed. Could they be recognized except as a multi faceted person who plays a role in an ongoing story? Probably not, but I know them. I have seen and experienced these characters live, hate, fight, love and display their good, their bad, and in some instances their ugly sides.

My primary characters are based on true experience and real life interaction. It is always best to write what you know. Unlike many characters simplistic in their manifestation of good, bad and evil, my characters are shades of grey. There are great things about them that intrigue, tickle, breed respect and bring a ready smile. However, all have facets to their actions and mentalities which make the reader want to reach out, grab them by the lapels and shake them.

The main character of the Trilogy on the male side is recognizable; a combination of truth, fiction, real life mannerisms, and embellished thought processes.  I am sure some would say he is something like myself. There is no distinct line between truth and fiction. The same is true for the primary female personality in the Trilogy. Some may say she resembles my co-author. Her character, like my own, is a curious mixture of fact, fantasy, and thought processes unique to the story, which also blurs distinction. Yes, these books are western romance with the steamy intrigue integral to that genre and permeating real life.  However, they are also more than just that.

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